Seven Branch
Instead of debating between Nationalism and Globalism, based on mystical teachings, this platform suggests a novel concept, which—inter alia—increases the likelihood of universal harmony, expands visions for broader socio-economic developments, and rewards individuals more justly.
Global Governance
No Impositions
Based on Devarim 19:14 “You shall not move your neighbor’s landmarks, set up by previous generations,” Torah suggests the inverse policy guideline: It defines border landmarks and forbids to violate the “neighbor’s landmarks.” The term “landmarks” includes the cultural pillars and traditional norms, forbidding to impose one’s beliefs and institutions on others. This law includes religious proselytization and conversion.
Diversity, Learning and Sharing
The Torah cherishes diversity over uniformity. People shall live based on their particular customs and judgments. Founded on the Trial-and-Error learning method, Humanity shall create to share, and learn from, the “best practices” of one another (See YHUDAY). The circular dialogues within various levels and the cultivation of ‘Knowledge Management Strategies’ will eventually lead to upward expanding spiral growths.
Universal Confederation
It is suggested the creation of a ‘universal confederation,’ comprising a multiplicity of self-governing, sovereign entities at three levels: Cantons, Cities, and Communities (3Cs). Similar to the “Swiss confederation,” the aim is to maximize the transfer of Authority and Power to the smaller structures, where there is greater proximity to those affected. (See ‘MAYORCHY’) By eliminating the nation-states as political units, we eradicate the related issues. For example, policymakers usually focus on nation-states as the most critical units of organization and disregard the vital role of group identification in shaping human behavior. (See ‘TREEBALISM’)
Among other issues, the platform ‘OUR TREETY’ concerns the right of ‘peoples’ to establish sovereignty and political positions based on their common interest and identity, as a peremptory norm, and defines its subject, “the people.”
Land Distributions - Systems Biology
Based on the mystical sources and analogous to the dynamics of biological systems, it suggests dividing the land primarily through the lens of systems biology to match the ‘peoples’ with their optimal regions. (See ‘SOIL MICROBIOME’) Given that the ecological factors affect the multi-omics, the tribes can continuously adapt their lifestyles to increase their SpritoScore. (See ‘TREEBALISM’)
Land Distributions - Lottery
Rights and Obligations
Just Distribution
As no one becomes the legal owner of any biotic and abiotic natural resources, the ‘TRUNKUTILITY’ platform concerns the effective, transparent, and fair distribution of resources among the branches.
Unique Benefits
Among many unprecedented remarkable benefits of the proposed model are:
- The elimination of the need for a heavy-armed military.
- Resource insecurity conflicts.
- Energy-based politics.
- ‘Too Big to Change’ anomaly.
- Prevention of epidemics to spiral into pandemics.
- Appreciation for some of the “algorithmic biases,” especially for deep-learning-based medical diagnosis. (Based on the data on which Deep-learning algorithms are trained, nowadays, AI could make disadvantageous judgments unfair to a particular group and/or demographic. This phenomenon could translate to poor diagnoses and harmful recommendations for health care, even with deadly consequences)
- Creating simplicity within complexity through the use of network-centric organizations.
- The biological mechanisms which interchain the entire world oblige people to collaborate while competing with one another for the greater good. (See ‘SpiritoScore’)
- The likelihood of a government misrepresenting, abusing, or even suppressing its citizens.
- People have a greater ability to change the undesired policies and/or policymakers.
- National military ill-guard (The absence of a heavy national guard prevents evil regimes from the disproportionate use of force against their people. And at smaller units, local law enforcement is unlikely to protect the policymakers at the cost of their tribes).
- And much more.